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Anatolian Natural Cure

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Anatolian Natural Cure;

Untouched, non-degraded, naturally growing in the natural environment of our country, unique to the region where it is located, the geography where it grows, rare, endemic plant species, without harming the environment in which it grows, without endangering its generation, medicinal, medicinal and aromatic plants collected from nature, by steam distillation, essential oils and aromatic waters, in compliance with the maximum degree of cleanliness and hygiene conditions, bottling as essential oil and hydrosol is a formation that allows it to safely reach the end consumer.

Oils and hydrosols with medicinal and aromatic essential oil properties (aromatic water with low fat content) are collected pure from nature by Forest Engineer Sahin INCEDEMIROĞLU and his partners at Şahin INCEDEMIROĞLU Freelance Sworn Forestry Bureau located in Kastamonu Central campus, bottled under hygienic conditions after cleaning and presented to the consumer and user along with crude oil, hydrosol and dried packaging and analysis values.


1- Friendly to nature, respectful and future heritage principles and principles of supply,

2- Service to human health,

3- Healthy and reliable supply,

4- Manufacturing, swelling and packaging in accordance with hygiene and health conditions,

5- Reliable, reputable and sincere marketing,

6- Acceptable feedback,

7- Contribution to research and development,

8- Contribution to the local and national economy.

Why Essential Oils, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Juices

As we all know, pharmaceutical products (tablets, capsules, solutions, serums, etc.) that do not contain synthetic substances that we use today.) are borne from nature.  All the pharmaceutical products we use are collected by big pharmaceutical companies from different countries, regions and geographies of the world to local peoples and are found in plant extracts, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, terpenes (etc.) by synthesizing the composition and molecules by physical and chemical means, pharmaceutical products are obtained with ingredients in plain or compound form (by separating the composition and molecules), some pure, most often by synthetic means; it is used in the process of treatment and healing of humans and all living beings.

If not, the sine qua non for living things is food and nutrition. All living life is based on good nutrition and a healthy life. Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle depend on the benefits and benefits provided by the nutrients and vitamins contained in the content of each food, as well as the composition and molecules.

Consuming natural products is a prerequisite for healthy eating and living a good life. Nowadays, it has become difficult to access natural products. Mostly genetically modified foods, products grown with artificial fertilization, pesticides against pests, containing substances harmful to human health, synthetic and artificial preservatives used in food preservation, bottling and packaging, our good nutrition and healthy lifestyle adventure has been compromised by the logic of consuming what is offered, which is not in our hands. As a result of this, human life expectancy has been shortened, diseases have diversified, increased, human immunity has been negatively affected, and human beings' comfort of life has been reduced, leaving them obliged to live in need of medicines.

Realizing this, human beings are starting to search again, turning to organic production and looking for a remedy for the consumption of products grown in their natural environment. Nowadays, when it is difficult to access natural products in sufficient quantity, quality and freshness, the only remedy is to easily access essential oils and aromatic waters obtained from medicinal and aromatic plants collected from their natural environment for consumption.

Medicinal and aromatic essential oils and hydrosols have important effects on human metabolism for good when used with the appropriate plant type, quality product, appropriate amount and regularly. When consumed regularly, it reduces the risk of contracting diseases with a good diet and food intake, increases resistance to diseases, accelerates recovery.

For our health, it is very important to know which type of plant, how it affects metabolism, and how much it will be consumed.

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